Breaking Christian News

Trump's Israel Itinerary is Confirmed: NO MASADA—and Here's Why

Ilana Messika : May 17, 2017
Breaking Israel News

Instead of Masada, which President Trump had hoped to give a speech at, he will visit the Israel Museum instead.

(Israel)—[Breaking Israel News] President Trump will arrive in Jerusalem on May 22, where he will meet with President Reuven Rivlin and proceed to lay a wreath at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial. Recent reports have hinted to Trump potentially giving a speech at Masada, but the plan was canceled on account of the desert heat. The Israel Museum in the Givat Ram neighborhood of Jerusalem was selected instead. (Photo: Masada/Shutterstock/via BIN)

"The president will deliver remarks at the Israel Museum and celebrate the unique history of Israel and of the Jewish people while reaffirming America's unshakable bond with our closest ally in the Middle East," said US National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster at a White House press briefing.

Following a meeting with Trump on Monday afternoon, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara will host President Trump and the First Lady at a private dinner.

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