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Country Artist Tim McGraw on New Song with Inspiring Message: "I Cried through Every Take"

Julie Brown Patton : Feb 21, 2017
Gospel Herald

"...I would try to get myself together and I'd get half-way through it and I would just start blubbering every time I would try to sing a line."

[Gospel Herald] Country music star Tim Graw's latest single "Humble and Kind" is prompting Christians to revisit the same, simple heartfelt instructions shared in a 19th century Methodist magazine. (Photo via Gospel Herald)

Written by Nashville songwriter Lori McKenna, McGraw said the song is both advice to one's children and a source for personal inspiration. In fact, one of the lines from the song is: "Go to church 'cause your momma' says to."

James Parkinson, editor of The Primitive Methodist Magazine for 1869, wrote an article titled "Devout Contemplations" on the life and words of Jesus Christ as found in the Bible—with very similar sentiments as McGraw's new song.

Parkinson wrote that readers should draw inspiration from the actions of Jesus, especially when He washed the feet of His disciples before the Last Supper. "This act," writes Parkinson, "should teach Christians to be ... humble and kind to each other, not to disdain the meanest work if we can thereby benefit each other."

According to United Methodist Church sources, The Primitive Methodist Magazine was a monthly magazine of the Primitive Methodist Church in Britain, beginning in 1820 and spanning for more than...

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