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Bill Defunding Planned Parenthood Passes Virginia Senate, Will become Law if Governor McAuliffe Signs It

Claire Chretien : Feb 15, 2017

"Virginia has a duty to steward taxpayer money in a way that ensures funds are distributed by priority to the most effective point-of-service health care providers. This legislation simply ensures that hospitals, federally qualified health clinics, and rural health clinics are funded over abortion centers." -Victoria Cobb

airlift(Richmond, VA)—[LifeSiteNews] The Virginia Senate voted 20-19 Tuesday to defund Planned Parenthood of its non-Medicaid funds. (Photo credit: Lisa Bourne/

The vote was along party lines. The House already passed the bill 60-33, but Gov. Terry McAuliffe promises to veto it.

Planned Parenthood's non-abortion services are able to be billed through Medicaid, although pro-life advocates point out that this money is fungible and helps the abortion-centered organization operate.

Last year, McAuliffe held an event at Planned Parenthood's Richmond center during which he vetoed a similar bill defunding the abortion business. Local media reported a spokesperson says the Catholic politician "plans to follow suit this year."

Virginia Society for Human Life (VSHL) President Olivia Gans Turner said passing the bill was "the right thing to do" because it would "provide authentic health care, especially prenatal care, to the women of the Commonwealth."