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Pray for Chip and Johanna Gaines of "Fixer Upper": Why They're the New Focus of Attacks by LGBT Activists

Veronica Neffinger : Dec 1, 2016
Christian Headlines

"Pray for Chip and Joanna and their church. The cultural inquisition is coming." -Trevin Wax, The Gospel Coalition

(Waco, TX)—[Christian Headlines] Chip and Joanna Gaines, the Stars of the popular show "Fixer Upper" have come under fire recently for allegedly being opposed to same-sex marriage. (Photo via Christian Headlines)

According to The Daily Signal, Buzzfeed recently ran an article (and other news sites such as Cosmopolitan, Us Weekly, and Jezebel picked it up) that implied the Gaineses were anti-gay because they attend a church where the pastor believes homosexuality is a sin.

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