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Franklin Graham Reminds Voters that They're Also Electing the VP—the 'President of the Senate'

Franklin Graham : Oct 26, 2016
Franklin Graham-Facebook

"[The Vice President is] also technically head the U.S. Senate and are the one to cast the deciding vote in any tied vote in the Senate. Who do you trust to fill this role—Tim Kaine or Mike Pence?"

airlift[Franklin Graham-Facebook] Did you realize that your vote for President of the United States also casts a ballot for who will be the President of the U.S. Senate? That's right, in addition to serving as Vice President, either Tim Kaine or Mike Pence will also be President of the U.S. Senate. (Photo via SavingOurFuture)

Not only does the Vice President step in to lead the nation if something were to happen to the President, but they [are] also technically head the U.S. Senate and are the one to cast the deciding vote in any tied vote in the Senate. Who do you trust to fill this role—Tim Kaine or Mike Pence? It is so important that Christians do their research and pray about how to vote in this most critical election in our lifetime. Please pray and then vote.