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The Veteran Forced Out of a Flag-Folding Ceremony for Mentioning God Demands an Apology

News Staff : Sep 29, 2016

"I'm blessed to know that I am defending everybody, every American in the United States." -Oscar Rodriguez, Jr.

(Fairfield, CA)—[LifeSiteNews] The uniformed airmen who dragged Senior Master Sergeant (SMSgt.) Oscar Rodriguez, Jr. out of a flag-folding ceremony for mentioning God belong in prison, the embattled veteran told LifeSiteNews in an exclusive video interview. (Photo via

"To have the Air Force believe that they can go ahead and silence my voice means that they ... believe they can silence everybody's voice," Rodriguez told LifeSiteNews. He noted it was ironic that the airmen who assaulted him took the same oath that Rodriguez was upholding when he delivered the speech that propelled him to the forefront of the debate about religious freedom in the military.

"I served this nation and many, many brave men and women have served our nation because of the Constitution of the United States," Rodriguez said. That individuals who also took an oath to defend the Constitution so blatantly ignored it "is a betrayal of the Constitution, the oath, and a betrayal to the American people." (Photo via

The retiree being honored had specifically invited Rodriguez to speak at the flag-folding ceremony and requested that Rodriguez deliver the speech connecting religion and patriotism.

It was supposed to be a ceremony celebrating the man's...

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