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America's Sheriffs Are Boldly Proclaiming "In God We Trust" — But Atheist Organization Wants Slogans to Read "In Reason We Trust"

News Staff : Sep 5, 2016
CBN News


[CBN News] Despite constant complaints, sheriffs across the country are putting their faith where everyone can see. (Photo Credit: CBN News)

Earlier this year the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) targeted police departments for having the motto "In God We Trust" written on the sides of their police cars.

That is when Camden County North Carolina police Sheriff Tony Perry decided to step up. He is one of many officers across the nation who are now proudly displaying their faith motto on their police cars.

"I want people to know I put my faith in God," Perry told The Virginia Pilot. "I've been thinking about doing it for some time."

Nevertheless, FFRF is still working to dissuade police agencies from letting their officers display the message of faith.

"We would like to see them use 'In reason we trust," said Annie Laurie-Gaylor, co-president of the Freedom from Religion Foundation in a statement. 

But for Perry, he puts his faith in a higher power.

"I'm not trying to bring attention to myself," he said. "They don't know what it's like to put your life on the line every day. I want to rely on the creator of the earth for help."

CBN News