Breaking Christian News

Israel: High Priest is Chosen by Sanhedrin, Temple Service Could Be One Week Away

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz : Aug 29, 2016
Breaking Israel News

"We do not need a miraculous occurrence like the sudden appearance of a Temple descending from heaven onto the Temple Mount to make this decision relevant..." –Rabbi Weiss

(Israel)—[Breaking Israel News] A significant step was recently taken towards reinstating the Temple service when the nacent Sanhedrin selected Rabbi Baruch Kahane as the next Kohen Gadol (high priest). The selection was made as a precaution for Yom Kippur. If the political conditions should change, allowing the Jews access to the Temple Mount, they will be required by Torah law to bring the sacrifices. Rabbi Kahane is confident that if that should happen, Temple service could begin in less than one week. (Photo: BIN)

Rabbi Kahane is a prominent scholar, knowledgeable in the complicated laws pertaining to the subject of the Temple Service. He is part of the Halacha Berurah Institute, established by Rabbi Avraham Isaac HaCohen Kook, the first Chief Rabbi of Israel, which deals with the elucidation of Jewish law from its Talmudic sources (Oral Law) and commentaries...

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