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Jordan's Prince Hassan: "Christianity Was Exported as a Gift to The Rest of The World"

Amanda Casanova : Aug 25, 2016
Religion Today/Christian Headlines

"This central role in our region and civilization is why it is abhorrent to us, as a Muslim and a Jew, to see Christianity and Christians under such savage assault across our region." -Prince Hassan

(Jordan)—[Christian Headlines] Prince Hassan of Jordan says that Christians, Jews and Muslims must come together to combat the "apocalyptic vision" of the Islamic State. (Photo via Albawaba)

"Christianity has been part of the essential fabric of the Middle East for two thousand years. Far from being a Western import as some, incredibly, now seem to suggest, it was born here and exported as a gift to the rest of the world. Christian communities have been intrinsic to the development of Arab culture and civilization," Prince Hassan wrote in a column along with Dr. Ed Kessler, director of the Woolf Institute.

"This central role in our region and civilization is why it is abhorrent to us, as a...

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