Breaking Christian News

These Courageous ISIS Rape Victims Chose to Keep Their Babies

Ben Johnson : Aug 23, 2016

Imagine the fortitude it takes to raise children conceived by rape, not in socially liberal welfare state, but a war-torn, insular theocracy. That's what Yazidi women in northeastern Iraq face—and that's what Yazidi women captured and impregnated by ISIS terrorists have resolved to do.

airlift(Baghdad)—[LifeSiteNews] For years, the abortion lobby has created a mythology that it is all-but-impossible for a mother to reject abortion in "the hard cases," like rape. Forget that most rape victims don't choose to abort their children, and most who do say the abortion was a mistake that did not bring them healing. But according to Planned Parenthood, young women lack the intellect, resources, and competence to raise their children in the United States. (Photo: Shutterstock/via LifeSiteNews)

Imagine the fortitude it takes to raise children conceived by rape, not in socially liberal welfare state, but a war-torn, insular theocracy. That's what Yazidi women in northeastern Iraq face—and that's what Yazidi women captured and impregnated by ISIS terrorists have resolved to do.
For years, fundamentalist Islamic jihadists have forced non-Muslim Iraqi and Syrian women to become sex-slaves. The Voice of America had a story on Saturday about their plight.
They had been shunned for having sex with non-Yazidi men, even by force, until the leader of their community, Baba Sheikh, said the women should be welcomed back into society. But he added, "It is unacceptable in our religion to allow the birth of any children if both parents are not Yazidis." Because of his decree, many women avail themselves of abortions which, though illegal under Iraqi [law], are not prosecuted under an "understanding" with the local...
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