Breaking Christian News

How Hebrew Almost Became the Official Language of America

Tsivya Fox : Jul 29, 2016
Breaking Israel News

At the time of the American Revolution, “certain members of Congress proposed that the use of English be formally prohibited in the United States, and Hebrew substituted for it.” – Marquis de Chastellux

(Israel) — [Breaking Israel News] Had history turned out slightly different, Americans today might be speaking Hebrew rather than English. This is not as far-fetched as it seems, as the original settlers to America (besides the Indians) were deeply connected to the Bible. (Photo Credit Breaking Israel News)

The earliest knowledge of Hebrew being proposed as America’s national language is from 1620. At that time, William Bradford was the leader of the pilgrims who set off to the New World. They set sail on the Mayflower seeking to find freedom from religious persecution. They saw their journey as a re-enactment of the Jewish exodus from ancient Egypt.

Bradford sought to unify the group before they disembarked. He is recorded as being fanatical about the Hebrew language as he believed that after his death he would speak “the most ancient language”, Hebrew, with God and the angels.

It is noted that a vote was taken on the Mayflower as to …

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