Breaking Christian News

Monday's Important Supreme Court Decision: Join Bound4Life and Pray!

News Staff : Jun 24, 2016

As Christian Believers, God has called us to partner with Him in prayer. Just as Texans across the state work every day to protect lives in pregnancy care centers, in adoption agencies and hundreds of other ways, so too can our prayers lifted up with faith shift things in ways we cannot fathom—ultimately, affecting an entire nation.

(Washington, DC) — [Bound4Life] As Bound4LIFE has for more than 11 years, we will be praying outside the U.S. Supreme Court when the eight justices hand down their decision on this case. We encourage you to join us and team members from David's Tent DC in prayer together. (Photo Credit: Bound4LIFE)

When: Monday, June 27 at 9-11am ET

What: Silent Siege at the U.S. Supreme Court

Where: The Supreme Court of the United States, 1 First St NE, Washington, DC 20543

How to Find Us: Look for people praying, wearing red Life Tape

Background and Mission

Since early 2013, Texas has led the way with what the media has called "the pro-life law of the century." HB 2 became a lightning rod for national attention and the rage of the abortion industry.

In spite of filibuster and what looked like mob rule in the statehouse, pro-life legislators successfully sent a perfect example of commonsense law to the Governor for his signature. (Photo Credit: Bound4LIFE)

Immediately that law was challenged in the courts, preventing it from taking full effect. Even so, Texas has experienced an unprecedented closure of the majority of its abortion centers.

For more than two years now, HB 2 has been moving through the court system. Unfortunately, the attitude of most pro-life activists during this time has been, "Well, it's out of our hands now. We'll just have to wait and see how things turn out."

Christian leaders in Texas cannot afford to have this kind of attitude right now. The Supreme Court of the United States will hear Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt (challenge to HB 2) in this session. Oral arguments are scheduled for March 2, and a decision will be released by June 30.

As Christian Believers, God has called us to partner with Him in prayer. Just as Texans across the state work every day to protect lives in pregnancy care centers, in adoption agencies and hundreds of other ways, so too can our prayers lifted up with faith shift things in ways we cannot fathom—ultimately, affecting an entire nation.

Will we see life proclaimed from the highest court of our land? Our hope remains firmly in Jesus, ever our advocate in heaven. Let's proclaim boldly: Texas Loves Life.

Reprinted with permission from