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A Sad Day in LA as ACLU Rewrites History

Caitlin Burke : Jun 23, 2016
CBN News

"Once again, the ACLU ... was successful in bullying their way to rewrite history. This was a victory for the book burners." -Mike Antonovich, LA County Supervisor 

(Los Angeles, CA)—[CBN News] The seal of Los Angeles County will no longer feature a historic Christian cross on the emblem. (L.A. County Seal/via CBN News)

The L.A. County Board of Supervisors voted 3-2, Tuesday, to accept a judge's ruling in favor of the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California, which sought to have the cross removed and the seal redesigned. 

But Supervisor Mike Antonovich, who voted in favor of an appeal, blasted the board's decision, saying he was confident the county could have won.

"Once again, the ACLU, who I refer to as the Atheist Criminal Liberties Union, was successful in bullying their way to rewrite history," Antonovich told the Los Angeles Times. "This was a victory for the book burners."

Meanwhile in Texas, the Freedom From Religion Foundation is going after the city of Hondo for proclaiming themselves "God's country" on the city's welcome sign.

The sign reads, "This is God's country. Please don't drive through it like hell."
It's been the city's slogan since the 1930s, but after two complaints, the FFRF is calling for the sign to be taken down.
The mayor of Hondo, however, says he has no plans to change it.

"It's kind of a welcome sign. It also kind of gives them an idea of what kind of community we have," said Mayor James Danner. "That's part of us; that's part of our community."

"If you don't like it, don't read it," he added.