Breaking Christian News

British PM Willing to Take Action: Proposes a Crackdown on Islamic Extremism

News Staff : May 5, 2016
CBN News

"The prime minister has made clear this government's commitment to countering extremism, not just violent extremism, but tackling the root causes of it early on."

(United Kingdom)—[CBN News] British Prime Minister David Cameron will propose a bill this month aimed at cracking down on Islamic extremism in Britain. (Screengrab via CBN News)

Cameron has instructed his ministers to draw up several new proposals aimed at curbing Muslim extremists in the country. He plans to announce the Extremism Bill in the Queen's speech later this month.
The measure would ban Islamic extremist groups from operating in Britain and would launch an investigation into Sharia courts.
It would also extend vetting rules for employers to ensure that radical Muslims are not employed or do not work with children and other vulnerable groups.
"The prime minister has made clear this government's commitment to countering extremism, not just violent extremism, but tackling the root causes of it early on," Cameron's spokeswoman told journalists at a press briefing.
Cameron says fighting extremism head on is "the struggle of our generation."