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Hundreds Rally at Supreme Court to Support Little Sisters in HHS Mandate Fight

Dustin Siggins : Mar 24, 2016

"We don't understand why the government is doing this when there is an easy solution that doesn't involve us—it can provide these services on the exchanges..."

(Washington, DC)—Pro-abortion groups may claim to represent "women's rights," but today it was women opposed to the Obama administration's abortifacient, sterilization, and contraceptive mandate who said they spoke for the nuns and other women targeted by the federal government. (Photo via LifeSiteNews)

A rally in front of the Supreme Court today, organized by Women Speak for Themselves, drew hundreds of supporters for the Little Sisters of the Poor and other organizations.
"All we are asking for is the same treatment under the law as Pepsi and Chevron," The Catholic Association's Ashley McGuire told the crowd.
The rally also hosted commentary from attorneys and plaintiffs fighting the mandate shortly after the Supreme Court hearing ended at 11:30 a.m. Eastern.
Moments after the hearing ended, Sister Loraine Marie Clare told the hundreds of supporters that "we find ourselves in a situation where the government is requiring us to include services in our religious health care plan that violate some of our deepest held religious beliefs as Little Sisters."
"We don't understand why...
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