Breaking Christian News

Why everything you thought you knew about detoxing is wrong

Paid Advertisment : Feb 13, 2016

"... I definitely have less morning stiffness. I sleep through the night now, too... I am 69 years old and have always been very active. We have nine children and 22 grandchildren... [this] will keep me active so I can enjoy my family... this is great!"

Annette D., New York

Detox Double Cross... The case against detoxing!
Why natural detox methods aren't all they're cracked-up to be... and the amazing all natural solution proven to Eliminate 74% of Dangerous Heavy Metals... all without difficult juice fasts, sweating for hours in a hot sauna, unpleasant colonics... and painful or expensive IV treatments.
Studies show your body is teeming with over 700 synthetic chemicals and heavy metals such as mercury, lead and arsenic by the time you reach the age of 58. And this toxic overload wreaks havoc on your body and your good health. 

In fact the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and the World Wildlife Fund "all" found toxins in every single individual they tested! Some toxins-like flame retardants-were more recent... but other toxins had been banned for decades.

This is truly alarming! That's because toxins build up and are stored in your body over time...

And as they continue to assault your body, it becomes powerless to eliminate them. Once it reaches a "tipping point" you may suffer a sudden reaction such as...
  • Vomiting and nausea...
  • Memory loss and trouble recalling names or finding the right words...
  • Joint pain, stiffness and loss of flexibility...
  • Migraines and headaches...
  • Sleeplessness, loss of energy and stamina...
  • Sinus congestion, itchy eyes and throat...
  • And more...

To add insult to injury, traditional detox methods can make you even sicker. Because toxins are stored in fat, they can't dissolve in water.  And that's why your body can't easily eliminate them. When you begin a detox program, you pull these toxins out of your fat cells and into your bloodstream. As they travel through the blood to your vital organs they can cause all sorts of unwanted side-effects.

I've recommended detoxing to my patients for decades. But I've been dissatisfied with the traditional methods fraught with side-effects.  I've been looking for something better... a more effective way to rid the body of harmful toxins... and I'm pleased to say "I've finally found it!"

It's a safe, gentle, painless and discreet pennies-a-day solution proven to safely remove toxins from your body...

Click here to learn how to get rid of decades of toxic build-up safely and easily. Do it right now before you forget.

Get the name of this solution now...


Dr. Janet Zand

P.S. If you eat fish, drive a car, have carpet in your home, wash your hair, travel by plane or take any prescription or over-the-counter drugs you must read this now!

For a List of Ingredients: Click Here

Simply try PectaSol® Detox Formula and if you don’t agree that it’s the most gentle, effective,
clinically proven, detoxification supplement you’ve ever tried, simply send back the empty bottle and we’ll refund you every penny you paid, including shipping and handling

**Note: You will not be ordering this item from Breaking Christian News. Your order will be processed on the Soundview site. Please contact them directly with any order inquiries or questions about this product.

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