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This Louisiana Coffee Shop was Robbed, But their Unusual Response has Not Only Gone Viral, It Will Warm Your Heart

Aimee Herd : Dec 7, 2015
AOL News

"...We will rally with forgiveness and not respond with anger. Our fans and friends will rally with us and come to our aid by showing their continuing support of the honest, high quality work that we do and continue to help us provide services to this community that we love so much..."

(Covington, LA)—A Louisiana coffee shop, Campbell's Coffee, was robbed recently, with the thieves stealing hundreds of dollars; money that is vitally important to the tiny business. (Photo via Facebook)

But the owner's response to the crime on social media—which has gone viral—is garnering much praise, as they posted this message on their Facebook page:

Dear Person Who Broke In This Weekend: We hope that you really needed what you stole from us. We hope that your child got extra special food to eat, that your water bill was paid and service restored, even that your dog got a special treat. We hope that you donated to one of our favorite local causes. The money that we earn through our honest living goes to these things—our employees, our family, our loved ones, and the causes and community programs we support. Your actions make it difficult for us to do these things so at least we want to know that you will put our money to the same purpose we would have. We will rally with forgiveness and not respond with anger. Our fans and friends will rally with us and come to our aid by showing their continuing support of the honest, high quality work that we do and continue to help us provide services to this community that we love so much.

Some of the comments (below) left under Campbells' post showed appreciation for their gracious attitude and support for the business, even from as far away as NJ.

"That's awful. Love how you handled it with your post... Such a wonderful friendly place. Love me some Campbell's."

"Can't believe this! Love your response; will be in to show my support!"

"That's just wrong! love your attitude about it!! that's the way to be! I'll come by for coffee this morning to help the cause!"

"Sending the gang at Campbell's love and support fro[m] NJ"