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Did the Mayor of Jerusalem Just Tell Residents to Arm Themselves Against Terrorists?

News Staff : Oct 8, 2015
Israel Today

The recommendation stands in stark contrast to gun control movements and policies prevalent in Europe and the United States.

airlift(Israel)—The stabbing and other terrorist attacks just keep coming in Jerusalem, causing a great many residents to be fearful of going outdoors at all, and certainly not daring to venture into certain parts of town. (Photo via Israel Today)

Two Israelis were killed in Jerusalem's Old City earlier this week, and many more have been stabbed and wounded since then by Arab residents responding to calls by the Palestinian Authority, Hamas and other jihadists to "liberate" the Holy Land from the Jews.

Amidst this escalating situation, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat is urging all licensed residents of his city to carry their guns with them at all times.

That recommendation stands in stark contrast to the gun control movements and policies prevalent in Europe and the United States.

But Barkat knows the value of law-abiding, gun-toting civilians, especially during a time of such troubles.

"Given the current escalation in the security situation, those with a licensed firearm who know what to do with it must go out with [their weapon]—it's an imperative," Barkat told Army Radio. "In a way, it's like military reserve duty."

The mayor further explained to Israel's Ynet news portal that "possessing weapons increases the confidence of residents, who know that in addition to police there are many people who are not afraid to intervene."

A statement released by the Jerusalem Municipality noted that Barkat himself carries a Glock pistol at all times. Indeed, the mayor has on at least two occasions assisted in thwarting terrorist attacks and neutralizing the would-be perpetrators.

Israel's police and army cannot be everywhere at all times, and in the past armed civilians have managed to thwart or cut short what would have otherwise been even more catastrophic terrorist incidents.