Breaking Christian News

Over 1,000 U.S. Rabbis Sign Letter Opposing Iran Nuclear Deal

Ahuva Balofsky : Aug 31, 2015
Breaking Israel News

Meanwhile, 340 other American rabbis, many of whom have ties to organizations known to be critical of Israel, sent their own letter to Congress, urging them to ratify the deal.

Over 1,000 American rabbis have signed a letter to Congress, urging US lawmakers not to accept the nuclear accord reached between the P5+1 powers and Iran earlier this summer. The petition, organized by the Zionist Organization of America, calls "upon our Senators and Representatives to consider the dangers that this agreement poses to the United States and our allies, and to vote in opposition to this deal."

The deal reached in mid-July offers sanctions relief to Iran in exchange for limiting its nuclear activity over the next 10-15 years and allowing international inspectors to examine the Islamic Republic's facilities. Critics, however, including most Israeli leaders and security experts, believe the deal will not prevent Iran...from developing a covert nuclear program...

Read more from Breaking Israel News, here.