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Hilton Announces Removal of All Porn Channels From Hotel Chain: Thanks to Huge Outcry

Steve Weatherbe : Aug 21, 2015

Many thousands of organizations and individuals contacted the hotel's executives to condemn the chain's pornography rentals and promise to take their business elsewhere.

(McLean, VA) - The worldwide Hilton hotel chain has removed all porn channels from its hotels in 85 countries after a campaign that saw top executives each getting as many as 1,000 emails a week opposing the presence of porn in the hotels. (Photo via LifeSiteNews)

"Partly it was the public pressure," said Pat Truman, president and CEO of the National Center of Sexual Exploitation, which organized the three-year public campaign that convinced Hilton to make the move. "But to give Hilton credit, they thanked us in the end."

Truman told LifeSiteNews that Hilton already had in place a serious policy to prevent their hotels being used for sexual exploitation. "They realized it didn't make sense to be against that while promoting pornography, which is so closely connected to it. Sex traffickers use pornography to sell prostitution. It's all connected," said Truman.

Truman's organization noted that other chains had already dropped pornography, including Omni, Drury, Ritz-Carlton, Nordic Choice Hotels, and Marriott, the last after a campaign five years ago by the National Center of Sexual Exploitation under its previous name, Morality in Media. 

The issue is not just about the exploitation of the pornographic models, many of whom live and work in conditions close to slavery, but about the de-moralization of America, said Rob McIntire, a sex addiction counselor in Colorado Springs. "In more than half the divorces in Colorado, pornography is listed as a factor. Most women say they feel degraded by the knowledge their husband is looking at porn. They say it is like having another person in the bedroom."