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2nd Democrat Senator Rejects Iran Deal: "If They Get a Nuclear Bomb, It Won't Have My Name On It"

News Staff : Aug 19, 2015
CBN News

He said the Iran deal is bigger than supporting or opposing the president, but safeguarding U.S. and global security.

(Washington, DC) - New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez says President Barack Obama's agreement leaves Iran with the possibility to produce a nuclear weapon and that's not acceptable. (Photo via Flickr)

"Let's remind ourselves of the negotiations. Simply put, it was to dismantle all or significant parts of Iran's nuclear infrastructure to ensure that it wouldn't have nuclear weapons capability at any time - not to shrink it or limit it but fully dismantle it," Menendez said.

"In my view, the overall sanctions relief being provided and their understanding of restrictions leaves us in a weak position and to me that is unacceptable," he said.

"If Iran is to acquire a nuclear bomb, it will not have my name on it," Menendez continued. "It is for these reason that I would vote to disapprove the agreement and, if called upon, to vote (to) override the agreement."

Menendez is the longest-serving member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He said the Iran deal is bigger than supporting or opposing the president, but safeguarding U.S. and global security.

New York Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer also opposes the deal.