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New Video: Planned Parenthood Would 'Steal' Aborted Baby Parts without Mom's Consent

Ben Johnson : Aug 12, 2015

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(Fresno, CA)—Despite official denials, Planned Parenthood would regularly "steal" aborted babies' organs without asking the mother's consent for the "donation," a former StemExpress employee says in the latest video released by the Center for Medical Progress. (Screengrab via LifeSiteNews)

Holly O'Donnell, a former blood and tissue procurement technician for StemExpress, is featured in the latest video in CMP's "Human Capital" series.

StemExpress is a biotech company that would purchase the tissue and organs of aborted babies from Planned Parenthood.

Since the video series broke, Planned Parenthood officials have said that they always obtain the mother's consent—a legal requirement—before charging biotech companies "reimbursement costs" for storing the "organ and tissue donation."

But O'Donnell, a former technician who worked inside the Stockton and Fresno Planned Parenthood facilities, said if Planned Parenthood stood to make money, they would simply take the specimens they wanted.

"No, doesn't happen all the time," O'Donnell said. "They would not consent the donors" in every case.

"They give you a sheet, and it's everybody for that day, who's coming in for an ultrasound, who's coming in for an abortion, medical or a late-term abortion," O'Donnell explains.

Even patients who scheduled a pregnancy test were considered potential "donors," she said. "Pregnancy tests are potential pregnancies, [and] therefore potential specimens."

Her bosses looked at this as "just taking advantage of the opportunities."

They often told her obtaining aborted babies' tissue and body parts is "not an option; it's a demand."

"If there was a higher gestation, and the technicians needed it, there were times when they would just take what they wanted. And these mothers don't know. And there's no way they would know." (Screengrab via Youtube)

In one case, O'Donnell said she spoke with a patient who refused to consent—but her co-worker emerged with numerous samples after the patient's abortion.

"What did you say to her to get that blood?" O'Donnell asked her co-worker. "She said, 'Nothing.'"

"Basically, you just went in there and took her blood, and you're going to be taking her fetus without her knowing," O'Donnell said.

She said she felt tremendous empathy for the mothers who lost children in this way. "Imagine if you're an abortion patient, and someone was going in stealing your baby's parts," she said in the video, the sixth released by CMP following its 30-month investigation.

She disputed Planned Parenthood's image as a compassionate health care provider, embodied in their slogan: "Care No Matter What."

"The women I worked for were cold. They don't care. They just wanted their money. They don't care that a girl's throwing up in a trash can," O'Donnell said in the video.

"I'm not going to tell a girl to kill her baby so I can get money, and that's what this company does," she said. "I would tell them, 'Run.'"

Read more here.