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PRAY: U.S. Senators to Vote on De-Funding Planned Parenthood

George Thomas : Aug 3, 2015
CBN News

"...I think when something is so morally repugnant to so many people, why should tax dollars go to this?" -Sen. Rand Paul

[CBN News] The Senate will vote on a bill to defund the nation's largest abortion provider. (Screengrab via CBN News)

Planned Parenthood gets about half a billion dollars from taxpayers each year.

Now four undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood doctors haggling over the price of unborn baby parts have members of Congress pushing to defund the group's activities.

"I think most Americans don't want their tax dollars going to this," said Sen. Rand Paul, R-KY.

Sen. Paul and 23 other lawmakers have introduced legislation to stop funding Planned Parenthood. About 40 percent of the group's money, half a billion dollars, comes from taxpayers.

"You know, manipulating the baby, turning the baby around to get to body parts and then selling the liver, the doctors cavalierly saying, 'Oh well, yeah, liver is popular right now for sale,'" Paul said. "So I think when something is so morally repugnant to so many people, why should tax dollars go to this?"

Since nearly all Democrats are opposed to the legislation, Republicans will have a hard time getting the 60 votes necessary to keep the bill alive.

Still, the issue could come up again during budget talks in October when some Republicans are threatening a government shutdown if Planned Parenthood isn't defunded.

Meanwhile, the group behind the undercover recordings, Center for Medical Progress, says it has 8 to 10 more videos to release, including a segment that reportedly shows that babies were born alive before their parts were sold.

But a federal judge issued a temporary restraining order preventing the pro-life group from releasing further videos.