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Statue of satan Unveiled in Detroit: Signs of Dark Times, but God's Light Trumps Darkness Every Time

Aimee Herd : Jul 28, 2015
Cody Derespina-Fox News

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it." -John 1:5 (NLT)

EDITOR'S NOTE: It doesn't surprise me when those who walk in darkness do dark things. But may it call us more and more to shine the Light and Love of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which will ALWAYS conquer it. -Aimee Herd, BCN.

airliftDetroit is grabbing headlines as a 9-foot, 2,000-pound statue of satan was unveiled on Saturday by a group known as the Satanic Temple. (Photo: Chris Switzer)

Attendees for the big reveal numbered around 700, as some protesters gathered but soon dispersed.

The group's original venue for the statue's unveiling was cancelled after the outcry of local religious groups, and the dark event was finally held in an undisclosed location, attended by ticket holders only.

Perhaps the most chilling aspect of the goat-headed statue is its depiction of two children looking up adoringly at the goat.

According to Fox News, "The statue will now be stored out of public view until the Temple can find it a permanent home. The group hopes to display it at the Arkansas State Capitol, next to a monument of the Ten Commandments."