Breaking Christian News

Huge March in New York City in Support of Israel

Sara Abramowicz : Jun 2, 2015
United With Israel

"Anyone who thinks that the United States is abandoning its support of Israel—obviously they weren't in Central Park today, because they would have found out that there is strong, passionate sentiment to stand with Israel." –Mike Huckabee

(New York, NY)—New York City hosted the 51st annual Celebrate Israel Parade Sunday. Over 40,000 people marched along Fifth Avenue with hundreds of thousands appearing on the sidelines to express support for the Jewish state. (Photo: AP/Craig Ruttle/via United with Israel)

Attendees included New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who danced together with a contingent from Chabad Lubavitch, and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Eight members of the Israeli Parliament from diverse political parties were also present. De Blasio and Minister without Portfolio Ofir Akunis led the parade.

"Israel and the US share values," Akunis stated. "The past and the future of the two countries are intertwined. Israel owes a great debt to the US and its citizens who stood and stand with us even when we disagree."

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a televised greeting to the participants, saying, "You have gathered to express your solidarity with the one and only Jewish state. And in so doing, you are sending a powerful message of support for the essential justice of Israel's cause." (Photo: AP/Craig Ruttle/via United with Israel)

Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee, who attended the concert, told Arutz Sheva, "Anyone who thinks that the United States is abandoning its support of Israel—obviously they weren't in Central Park today, because they would have found out that there is strong, passionate sentiment to stand with Israel."