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Canada: Opposition to an Explicit Sex-Ed Program is Quickly Growing

Lianne Laurence : May 5, 2015

"We need a huge coalition of tens of thousands of parents to rise up and say, "enough is enough!"

(Toronto)—Ontario parents battling Kathleen Wynne's explicit sex-ed program, slated for roll out in September, is gaining traction, says a prominent polling firm. (Photo Courtesy of Thorncliffe Parents Association)

Opposition to the Liberals' controversial sex-ed curriculum rose by seven percent among Ontario voters in the last two months, according to a May 1 Forum Research poll.

[So, what IS this new curriculum and why are parents upset? On the petition page the following description is posted:]

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne has just unveiled Ontario's new graphic sex-ed program—and it is as concerning as critics warned it might be.

From its treatment of "gender ideology," homosexuality and same-sex 'marriage' in the earliest grades, to its graphic treatment of topics [edited for sensitivity, click here for full description]… the program consistently pushes a morally and physically dangerous sexual agenda.

The program does this with no regard for the values that many parents are trying to instill in their children, and is even being foisted upon the Catholic School system.

To many this is hardly surprising, given the strong influence on the program of Dr. Benjamin Levin, who was arrested in 2013 for making written child pornography.

The curriculum is just one more step in the radical 'mission-creep' of government towards taking the moral formation of children out of the hands of parents, and putting it into the hands of the state.

We need a huge coalition of tens of thousands of parents to rise up and say, "enough is enough!"

To read more and sign the petition, click here.

Opposition Grows
The Toronto-based market research firm found that of 912 randomly selected Ontario voters, 40 percent disapproved of the sex-ed curriculum, 42 percent approved, and 17 percent were undecided.

Forum similarly polled 996 Ontario voters, using interactive voice-response telephone calls, between February 24 and 27, immediately following Education Minister Liz Sandal's release of the sex-education curriculum.

Those results, published March 1, found 49 percent approved of the sex-ed curriculum while 33 percent disapproved, and 17 percent undecided.

"It appears those opposed to the new health education curriculum are getting their message heard," Forum president Lorne Bozinoff commented on the May 1 poll. "They are well-organized, and have access to parent and school groups, where a lot of community information is spread."

"I'm not surprised at all," says Jack Fonseca of Campaign Life Coalition of the poll results, which Forum estimates to have a three percent margin of error, 19 times out of 20. "We are seeing opposition grow rapidly in many parts of the province as more and more parents learn what is actually in the curriculum."

"This is a significant poll because it shows that the public is moving rapidly to have a negative view of the curriculum," he told LifeSiteNews, adding that the numbers for and against the radical sex-ed curriculum are now "practically even."

"In fact, given the pollster likely asked the question in a way that was favourable to the Liberal government, as pollsters always do, I suspect the public's opposition is actually quite a bit higher than this Forum poll reveals. The momentum is clearly on the side of parents, and against this scandalous Liberal regime."

In an almost real-time confirmation of the poll's findings, two more of many past and future protests against the Liberals' reviled sex-ed curriculum took place May 3.

An estimated 1,500 people took part in a Mississauga march organized by Voice of Parents and the Coalition of Concerned Parents. In Malton, 25 protesters representing HOWA Voice of Parents distributed anti-sex-ed flyers among 60,000 people at a Sikh Khalsa celebration, attended by Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, who has personally drawn the ire of protestors.

And today begins a week-long strike in which parents are pulling their kids from school.

Nevertheless, the openly lesbian Wynne remains adamant that the Liberals' increasingly opposed sex-ed curriculum will be rolled out in the provinces' schools this fall.

In the meantime, another Forum poll released May 1 shows Wynne's popularity plummeting.

Of 912 randomly selected Ontario voters, more than one third, or 36 percent, said they would vote Progressive Conservative if an election were held now.

Fewer than three in ten respondents said they would vote Liberal.

The Forum report stated Wynne's approval rating fell to 29 percent from 33 percent last month, "and her net favourable score (approve minus disapprove) is a dismal -30, down from -20 last month."