Breaking Christian News

A Terrorist Rejects Jihad and Turns to Jesus after Hearing Gospel Radio

Deborah Hamilton : Mar 10, 2015
Charisma News

"Just as Boko Haram is trying to keep people in bondage through terror, the terrorists themselves are in bondage to a belief system that demands that they kill and terrorize. Only the Gospel message has the power to bring peace to those terrorized and to rescue the terrorists. As the presidential election approaches, we pray for peace and that God would continue to demonstrate His power in Nigeria, all for His glory." -A Nigerian Listener

(Nigeria)—As the world looked on in horror, the radical Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram posted a video recently purportedly showing the beheading of two men accused of being spies. The group has been blazing a swath of terror across northern Nigeria, resulting in the postponement of the nation's presidential election from Feb. 14 to March 28. (Photo: Boko Haram/Charisma News File)

Now, with the rescheduled election fewer than three weeks away, security in the face of the terrorists has become a central point of the debate between candidates. Yet, as terror takes center stage in the political fight, The Tide global radio ministry is helping Nigerians keep Jesus as the center focus of their hearts.

"Tragically, terrorism is an all-too-present reality for Nigerians today," said The Tide Director Don Shenk. "But even as Boko Haram carries out unspeakable violence, demolishes villages and upsets national elections, the terror group does not have the power to shake the heart-peace that the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings. The Tide ministry has been sharing the Gospel in Nigeria since 2009, and we've seen its power not only to bring peace and transformation but even to rescue those who were themselves once committed to jihad."

Indeed, one Muslim listener heard The Tide ministry program in the Hausa language, the official language of Islam in Nigeria. Although a believer in jihad, he was challenged by the message of hope and peace that only Christ can offer. He responded to the Gospel message, called the number at the end of the program and is now a follower of Christ.

Read more here.