Breaking Christian News

What in the World is Duck Dynasty's Miss Kay Robertson Involving Herself with Prostitution for?

Lauren Leigh Noske : Jan 29, 2015
Gospel Herald

While some might think that women who prostitute themselves do so voluntarily, most prostitutes have been drugged and coerced into selling themselves to willing clientele.

"Duck Dynasty" star Kay Robertson is scheduled to participate in a fundraiser for Restored Hope Ministries (RHM), a faith-based organization which aids women and children who have been prostituted and abused. Mrs. Robertson—whose testimony is one of heartbreak and of restoration in Christ as well—will speak at their "Overcoming Life" luncheon fundraiser on February 20 in Dallas, Texas. (Photo: BGEA)

Restored Hope Ministries is a non-profit organization which helps rehabilitate victims of sex trafficking, prostitution, and abuse. They provide housing and job training for women and minister to them through programs like Celebrate Recovery and Financial Peace University.

While some might think that women who prostitute themselves do so voluntarily, most prostitutes have been drugged and coerced into selling themselves to willing clientele.

"Most of the women [involved in prostitution]... are hurt, broken, molested, abandoned, without hope, and trapped in that lifestyle," the RHM website reads—"The only way out for them is to be rescued and taken away from the abuse. They must be loved, protected, and educated."

The desperate lifestyle of prostitution might make these women feel like they are beyond repair—but God's grace toward the brokenhearted is detailed in His Word. In fact, the genealogy of Jesus Christ in Matthew chapter 1 includes Rahab the prostitute—a woman of ill-repute who by faith was washed clean (see 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and Joshua chapter 2)—to show the depth of His grace and His power to change someone's life.

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