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International Space Station: American Astronauts Safe in Russian Section after Emergency Alarms Go Off; US Side Sealed Off against Possible Cooling System Leak

Aimee Herd : Jan 14, 2015
AP Staff – FOX News

"The space station crew is safe." -NASA spokesman Bob Jacobs.

(Orbiting Earth)—American-Russian relations took on a new dimension Wednesday, from about 250 miles above Earth, when US astronauts were evacuated from their segment of the International Space Station (ISS) finding refuge and safety in the Russian segment. (NASA Photo)

According to an AP report, an alarm alerted the crew to a possible ammonia leak in the cooling system, causing them to seal off the affected section after moving safely to the other.

Later reports from NASA stated that the leak alert was likely "just a sensor problem."

However, the American astronauts will reportedly stay in the Russian segment overnight "out of caution," according to authorities.