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Fascinating Things You May Not Know about Robin Williams, Including His Favorite Book by C.S. Lewis

Aimee Herd : Aug 12, 2014
Todd Van Luling – Huffington Post

"Growing up, it was The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe—I would read the whole C.S. Lewis series out loud to my kids. I was once reading to Zelda, and she said 'don't do any voices. Just read it as yourself.' So I did, I just read it straight, and she said 'that's better.'" -Robin Williams

Robin and ZeldaThe Huffington Post (HP), yesterday, published an exceptional tribute to the late Robin Williams, listing "5 Facts You Didn't Know..." about the beloved actor and comedian. (Photo via Huffington Post)

Included in the list was the account of how he lifted the spirits of such celebrities as director Steven Spielberg; during his filming of "Schindler's List," and friend and actor Christopher Reeve following the accident that left him paralyzed.

Robin and chrisReeve wrote in his book, "Still Me," about how Williams visited him in the hospital: "Then, at an especially bleak moment, the door flew open and in hurried a squat fellow with a blue scrub hat and a yellow surgical gown and glasses, speaking in a Russian accent. He announced that he was my proctologist, and that he had to examine me immediately... it was Robin Williams... for the first time since the accident, I laughed. My old friend had helped me know that somehow I was going to be okay."

Especially significant to Christians, Williams—who was born into an Episcopalian home—loved the C.S. Lewis classic series which began with, "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe," and he reportedly would read it to his children.

The HP article included Williams' description of one of those times: "Growing up, it was The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe—I would read the whole C.S. Lewis series out loud to my kids. I was once reading to Zelda, and she said 'don't do any voices. Just read it as yourself.' So I did, I just read it straight, and she said 'that's better.'"