Breaking Christian News

Israeli Christian Leader to Nations' Ambassadors: "We Must Unite Against Terror"

Teresa Neumann : Jul 23, 2014
Aryeh Savir – Breaking Israel News

"The State of Israel is at the forefront of the battle against the terrorism that is trying to swallow the whole world. The flame of terrorism is going to reach every corner of the world and no country will be immune from the terrorist attacks. What is happening in Syria, Iraq, and Gaza will be happening in your country if you continue to do nothing." -Gabriel Nadaf

Father Gabriel and Netanyahu(Israel)—Father Gabriel Nadaf is one of the heads of the Greek-Orthodox church in Israel. This week, Nadaf sent a letter to ambassadors from around the world stationed in Israel, calling on them to unite in support of the country and fight terrorism to "safeguard the Holy Land." (Photo: Moshe Milner/GPO/Flash90/via Breaking Israel News)

Wrote Nadaf: "Edmond Burke, the 18th century Irish philosopher and political theorist, said, 'The only thing necessary for evil to win is for good men to do nothing.' Therefore, we are all brothers in the face of evil, with no regard to religion, race, and faith. The outcry about the atrocities we are crying out together. As the spiritual father of the Israeli Christians Forum, who encourages the recruitment of Israel Christians to the IDF and full integration of Christians into Israeli society, I would like to turn to you with a plea to support and back Israel, our Holy Land, and its defense forces. The country is under fire and our soldiers are fighting against terrorist organizations, whose sole purpose and goal is to destroy the State of Israel."

"In the name of the Israeli Christians, I am crying out to the whole world, the world has to wake up! Terrorism acts don't allow any chance for peace. If Hamas doesn't safeguard its own people, Israel cannot be held responsible for their safety. Hamas is supposed to be protecting its own people but unfortunately, like all the terrorist organizations, it does the opposite, takes advantage of the Civilian Gazan population, and sacrifices its people (women and children)...

"Israel complied with Egypt's offer of a cease fire, but Hamas refused. Israel cannot sit idle while the barrages of rockets are being fired on its civilians and it cannot allow the infiltration of terrorists into its space through tunnels whose sole purpose is killing Israeli civilians. The one big difference between Hamas and Israel is that the lives of Israeli civilians are very precious to the State and it will do everything in its power to protect them, regardless of religion."

"Instead of reinforcing the State of Israel and the security it provides for the Christians and all of its citizens, it's being boycotted and there are continued attempts to weaken it, which will lead to us becoming an easy prey like all the countries around us. The State of Israel is at the forefront of the battle against the terrorism that is trying to swallow the whole world. The flame of terrorism is going to reach every corner of the world and no country will be immune from the terrorist attacks. What is happening in Syria, Iraq, and Gaza will be happening in your country if you continue to do nothing."

"Therefore, we all have to come together in unity and uproot terrorism. We should not be complacent and accept terrorism as a fact of life. We have to stop being indifferent about terrorists, who are exploiting our freedom and good spirit. I am calling on you, on behalf of the Israeli Christians, to support the IDF and the State of Israel in Operation Protective Edge and to fight terrorism with us, in order to protect the Holy Land. For, if God forbid, our country falls in the hand of terrorists, a catastrophe will befall the entire world. May God bless you and bring justice and peace to the world. Amen!"