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Earliest Image of Jesus Believed Found in Egyptian Tomb

Teresa Neumann : May 2, 2014
Nick Sanchez – NewsMax

The painting is of a curly-haired man, with what may be a crown of thorns, giving a blessing.

Early painting(Oxyrhynchus, Egypt)—Reports out of Egypt claim that an ancient image found on a stone tablet in an Egyptian tomb believed to belong to a writer or scribe of some sort, may actually be the earliest artistic depiction of Jesus ever found. (Photo via Huffington Post)

A report in The Daily Mail, quoted Egypt's Minister of Antiquities, Mohamed Ibrahim, as saying the image is probably from the 6th or 7th centuries and may have been created by Coptic Christians.

Though it is faded, the report notes that the image depicts a curly-haired man, with what may be a crown of thorns, giving a blessing.

Josep Padró, head of a Spanish archaeological team from Barcelona, said the discovery was exciting and the painting "incredible good," but that it is still undetermined as to whom the image represents.