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Discovered: Sophisticated Hamas-Built Tunnels Linking Gaza to Israel, Suggesting More Conflict To Come

Aimee Herd : Apr 23, 2014
Christine Pasciuti – Prophecy News Watch

The tunnels are a cause for alarm as they're a threat to Israel's security, notes Prophecy Newswatch, because they would allow "passage into the country within minutes for dozens of Palestinian militants who are seeking to ambush areas of vulnerability within the Holy Land."

Gaza terror tunnelAccording to a Prophecy Newswatch report, there have been four concrete tunnels discovered beneath Israel that are not from ancient times. (Photo via Elderofziyon)

In fact these underground structures are tunnels reaching from the Hamas-controlled region of Gaza into Israeli territory; the longest stretching about a half mile.

The tunnels themselves seem fairly sophisticated; lined with concrete, and having electric lights and ventilators.

The latest "terror tunnel" discovery was unearthed by an Israeli farmer, according to the report.

The tunnels are a cause for alarm as they're a threat to Israel's security, notes Prophecy Newswatch, because they would allow "passage into the country within minutes for dozens of Palestinian militants who are seeking to ambush areas of vulnerability within the Holy Land."

Gaza terror tunnelScarier still is the fact that Israeli officials admit they don't really know "how many hidden tunnels exist under the 24-mile southern boundary at Gaza." (Photo via

Very telling was a chilling declaration last month by Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniya, who said, "The tunnels we are inaugurating today are the new Hamas strategy in the war against Israel—the strategy of the tunnels. From below ground and above ground, you, the Occupiers, will be dismissed. You have no place in the land of Palestine... What the resistance forces are preparing secretly for the next confrontation with Israel is beyond imagination for Israel."

Please be praying for God's protection over Israel.