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US Military is Not Backing Away from National Day of Prayer Despite Urging by Group to Withdraw

Aimee Herd : Apr 21, 2014
Heather Clark – Christian News Network

"…the safety and prosperity of nations ultimately and essentially depend on the protection and blessing of Almighty God…" –John Adams, 2nd President of the US

Military(Washington, DC)—According to a Christian News Network report, the US Military is currently standing strong against the recommendations of atheistic activist Mikey Weinstein, president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, who maintains that the US Armed Forces should not be involved in any National Day of Prayer activities.

Weinstein reportedly sent a letter to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, asking that the Department of Defense not take part in the annual national event.

Stating that "the National Day of Prayer Task Force is to the National Day of Prayer as what a National Football League al-Qaida chapter would be to the National Football League," Weinstein recommended that the military not only pull out of any scheduled activities, but also that any member of the Armed Forces that participates, be punished.

However, as of Monday, April 21st, the military reportedly has "no plans to withdraw" from the annual gathering.

John AdamsNational Day of Prayer observances have been held since the founding of the USA.

The Christian News report noted a proclamation by John Adams in 1798 that read:

"As the safety and prosperity of nations ultimately and essentially depend on the protection and blessing of Almighty God, and the national acknowledgment of this truth is not only an indispensable duty which the people owe to Him," he wrote, "…this duty, at all times incumbent, is so especially in seasons of difficulty and of danger, when existing or threatening calamities—the just judgments of God against prevalent iniquity—are a loud call to repentance and reformation."