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Pop Evil Rock Star Turns From Evil, Trades Fame for Salvation, and Becomes Class President of Bible College

Teresa Neumann : Apr 16, 2014
Dan Van Veen – Assembly of God News

In 2011, after a Christian book store clerk told him, "You're at a crossroads in your life—choose the cross," Tony Greve left the band 'Pop Evil' and gave up everything to get right with God. Carrying and reading his Bible wherever he went, he worked out his salvation as he traveled seemingly aimlessly about the country. Yet at every place he paused, God brought people into his life and the Holy Spirit was with him.

Anthony GreveTony Greve was lead guitarist for the popular hard rock band, Pop Evil. Naturally, it followed that his life was consumed with drugs, alcohol, sex and partying. (Photo via AG News)

So how did this massively tattooed, hard-core party animal become class president of an Assemblies of God Bible college? In short, he overdosed on himself and in the midst of his brokenness God revealed Himself.

In a stunning testimony published by Assembly of God (AG) News, Greve explains how one night he uncharacteristically declined an invitation to a party and instead—beset by un-fulfillment in the midst of musical success—stayed back in his hotel room by himself and spilled his guts to God.

"God, I'm so sorry," he openly wept. "Please forgive me."

Immediately, Greve said "The Holy Spirit fell and burst through my body like a surge of electricity."

Anthony GreveA few weeks later, as the band's tour bus was parked in a Walmart parking lot, Greve noticed a Christian bookstore nearby and was compelled to go into it—dressed only in his pajamas and a coat. Finding it "surreal" because he had lived a life apart from God for so long, he simply stood looking at some books, not knowing what to do.

When the store clerk, Patrick Garrett—and also an evangelist who "happened" to be in the store that day—approached him, Greve asked Garrett, "Do you believe in Jesus?" And when the clerk replied that he did, Greve asked him to pray for him.

The AG report notes: "After prayer in the middle of the store, which Greve says was filled with tears and the presence of God, the evangelist turned to Greve and said, 'You're at a crossroads in your life. Choose the Cross.'"

Click Here to read more about Greve's long brave journey to discipleship, including how his father was furious with him for quitting the band, calling his son cowardly and selfish, and where Greve's insatiable appetite for Jesus has led him.