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British Politician to Atheists: We're a Christian Nation—Get Over it!

Teresa Neumann : Apr 9, 2014
Staff – The Christian Institute

MP Eric Pickles has been successful in fast-tracking new laws to override a court's decision to ban prayers at official government meetings. He continues driving home the point that Christianity is here to stay and is not to be marginalized.

MP Eric Pickles(United Kingdom)—British MP, Community Secretary Eric Pickles, believes militant atheists should "get over" Britain being a Christian nation, and has called for them to stop imposing their "politically correct intolerance on others." (Photo via Telegraph UK)

Speaking recently at a Conservative Spring Forum in London, Pickles said, "I've stopped an attempt by militant atheists to ban councils having prayers at the start of meetings if they wish. Heaven forbid. We're a Christian nation. We have an established church. Get over it. And don't impose your politically correct intolerance on others."

"This government had backed British values," he added. "And we've stopped Whitehall appeasing extremism of any sort."

Pickles concluded his speech saying, "We pray every day with "God Save the Queen"—and I think we remain a Christian country."