Breaking Christian News

Pro-life Couple intentionally Buys Building with Abortion Clinic so they could kick the clinic out!

Dustin Siggins : Apr 4, 2014
Kim Trobee – Citizen Link

Michelle Reimer said she and her husband took "a stand for the prolife position in a legal, peaceful and non-confrontational way, purchasing the building in order to advance the cause of life."

Michelle Reimer(Kalispell, MT)—In January, the owner of the only abortion clinic in Flathead County, Montana was told that she had 90 days to move her business off of the premises. Little did she know the new owners of the building where her clinic was located were Michelle Reimer, Executive Director of pro-life pregnancy center Hope Pregnancy Ministries, and her husband. (Photo via LSN)

In a statement, Reimer told Democracy Now that the building was purchased as "a stand for the prolife position in a legal, peaceful and non-confrontational way, purchasing the building in order to advance the cause of life."

Michelle Reimer, Executive Director of pro-life pregnancy center Hope Pregnancy Ministries.

Susan Cahill, who has owned the abortion clinic All Families Healthcare for decades, has complained that she had difficulty finding a new location, but Reimer told local news that "Montana commercial and tenant laws and regulations were adhered to during the process. All Families Healthcare found accommodating space that met their purposes within a reasonable amount of time."

Reimer's tactic follows on two decades of similar efforts elsewhere in the nation. In Chattanooga, Tennessee, activists purchased property in 1993 at an auction that prevented the creation of an abortion clinic. That location now holds the National Memorial for the Unborn and a pregnancy care clinic.

Read more here.