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"Amazing," Divine Appointments in the Middle East

Greg Kernaghan : Mar 28, 2014
OM International

One day I placed the Bible in his hands so that he would read aloud what it said. His hands began to tremble and he asked, "Did you see that? What is happening? That never happens when I read the Qur'an."

Middle EastWriter Greg Kernaghan travelled through the Middle East in November 2013. He discovered authentic hospitality, passionately committed Christians and a sense of good things to come. He observed and listened to the hearts of Christian workers who have invested decades in understanding and loving their Arab neighbours. Greg writes this article from the perspective of the OM workers in the Middle East, their story and their dreams, in their own words. (Photo via

Raouf*, a local Believer, called and said: "I need to talk with you." Faced with a huge potential harvest and no workers, he asked, "Why does God keep bringing people to me?"

As this brother was in a supermarket, he overheard a discussion between two employees. One was sharing verses from both Old and New Testaments, and the Gospel! As Raouf approached, they stopped talking and, despite his plea for them to continue, went back to their work.

A month later, he returned to the store and heard the worker there again sharing the Gospel. He asked him to tell his story: Through watching a TV programme, he requested and received a Bible, he read repeatedly about Jesus and gave his life to Christ. He began to share this at work.

Raouf later phoned him to meet but received no answer. Three weeks later, the man called, explaining that when Raouf called it was his wedding night! He excitedly told that his wife had also been reading the Bible and trusted Christ. They are now being carefully linked with other Believers.

Sharing Scripture
One young fellow, Rafik*, likes to go to the cinema. He's excited yet confused by what he understands as Western culture. "Is this really how it is?" he asks. I can explain how true followers of Jesus see immorality, violence, horror and spiritual struggle. I can ask him what he believes about the supernatural and contrast it with what the Bible says.

One day I placed the Bible in his hands so that he would read aloud what it said. His hands began to tremble and he asked, "Did you see that? What is happening? That never happens when I read the Qur'an." I said, "Amazing things happen when you read God's Word." He held the Bible to his chest and said that it made him very curious.

My hope is that Jesus will soon visit him in a dream. I don't have to rush him; God has His own timetable. People may think that it's dangerous to share their testimony with a Muslim but, done respectfully, it is the ultimate kindness to them – that they would come to know the One whom the Qur'an says is the only sinless prophet.

Sharing life

One friend in my group showed us the Jesus Film DVD he received at a Christian hospital. In front of all the others, he announced he was going home to watch it. "This is about your religion!" he excitedly stated. Speaking of movies, most people here think that all Westerners are like the characters they see in Hollywood movies: immoral, ungodly and shameful to their society. We have the unique privilege of demonstrating that real followers of Jesus are different: that we desire to please God, avoid shameful things and love others.

I was greeted by the group once when a friend said, "Here's James* – he's a Christian but he's upright!" That was a relief!

Sharing hope

A worker visited a small village where he met an old, poor man who lived not in a house but basically a cave. Outside there was a tree, on which hung some books. To the worker's amazement, one was a Gospel of Luke. The old man said, "This is a marvellous book: the main person in it is called Jesus. I read this over and over to all the people in the village."

Surprised, the worker said, "This is indeed marvellous, but it's only a tiny part of God's whole story. Let me give you the whole story (an Arabic Bible)." The old man was overjoyed; he wept and kissed the Bible, eager to read it all to his people. (*Name changed)