Breaking Christian News

40 Days for Life Report: Bringing light into the darkness

Shawn Carney : Mar 11, 2014
40 Days for Life

At least 61 babies saved from abortion so far, during the Spring Campaign.

40 Days for LifeAbortion facilities are dark places, their rooms are filled, not with hope and relief, but with despair and loneliness.

For the first days of this campaign, we've talked about how the light has broken through the darkness at abortion centers紡nd, as a result, babies scheduled to be aborted have been saved.

But the darkness is real and can't be ignored, especially at one of the most notorious late-term abortion facilities in America, which is where we begin today.

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Last week, an ambulance was called to bring a woman from late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart's facility to the hospital.

"This is the fourth patient that we know of sent to the hospital in the past 13 months," said Andrew in Germantown. "And as we know, tragically one of these patients passed away last year after the abortion of her 33-week-old child."

Andrew asked for prayers for this latest victim's "physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Pray that this tragedy will be used to help bring an end to the abortions performed in Germantown."


John saw a similar scene unfold in Manchester. "A paramedic car and an ambulance were called at the clinic, presumably to take a client to hospital for emergency treatment."

But there were also signs of hope. A woman who was two months pregnant took pro-life information from prayer volunteers on her way inside. "She came out after a while, saying she had decided to keep her baby," John said.

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Praying outside an abortion clinic isn't easy. But it's necessary. "Today was a very hard day at our site," said Nancy in Phoenix. "I counted 14 women going in this morning, ranging from teenagers to a woman in her forties."

Parishioners from Mater Misericordiae Mission filled every hour of their 12-hour vigil, which did give Nancy encouragement. "Although we had no turnarounds to report," she said, "I pray that our presence at Family Planning Associates bears much fruit."

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Finally, Paula in Savannah sent a picture of an evening vigil. Around 50 people turned out, including three members of the clergy, for prayer that ended with the singing of Amazing Grace.

"We lit candles," she said, "and declared that we would be the light of the Lord Jesus Christ in the darkness on 34th Street in Savannah!"
