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Arizona Advances Bill for Surprise Inspections of Abortion Clinics

Aimee Herd : Mar 6, 2014
David Schwartz – Reuters

"This is not a pro-life versus pro-choice issue. This is about the healthiness of a facility where a woman goes to get a procedure done. What is it that they have to hide?" -Representative Debbie Lesko

AZ house(Arizona)—Lawmakers in Arizona have advanced a measure this week which would allow "unannounced inspections of licensed abortion clinics," according to a Reuters report.

Just as other clinics and medical facilities cannot require a warrant for inspection, now abortion clinics—previously requiring a warrant—will be made to allow inspection of their facilities without a warrant.

Republican Representative Debbie Lesko, sponsor of the bill, noted,"This is not a pro-life versus pro-choice issue. This is about the healthiness of a facility where a woman goes to get a procedure done. What is it that they have to hide?"

The measure reportedly must still be approved by the Arizona Senate, and then signed by Governor Jan Brewer.