Good News: 87 Surgical Abortion Clinics were Closed in 2013!
Aimee Herd : Dec 31, 2013
Dr. Susan Berry -
"These numbers show that the pro-life movement is gaining ground and that the abortion industry is collapsing—mostly due to its own negligence and greed, which has been exposed by their unwillingness and inability to comply with even the most rudimentary safety standards." -Troy Newman
According to an Operation Rescue survey, reported by, there was some good news for pre-born babies in 2013—a record number of surgical abortion clinics in the US closed their doors.
Eighty-seven clinics were closed down this year, bringing the total number to 582, down 12 percent during the year, and a decrease of 73 percent from the all-time high—back in 1991—of 2,176 surgical abortion clinics.
The report states that 81 of the 87 that closed in 2013 are permanently gone, and the other six will still perform abortions via the sale of abortion-inducing drugs instead of surgically.
Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue commented, "These numbers show that the pro-life movement is gaining ground and that the abortion industry is collapsing—mostly due to its own negligence and greed, which has been exposed by their unwillingness and inability to comply with even the most rudimentary safety standards."
Read the full report by Clicking Here.