Breaking Christian News

Tide Turning in Egypt? Even other Muslims against "Brotherhood's" Violent Extremism

Aimee Herd : Aug 26, 2013
Lisa Daftari – FOX

"We love Egypt so much and we hope the foreign countries stop misunderstanding about us and the situation now in Egypt."

Egypt burn(Egypt)—As violent clashes between the Muslim Brotherhood and Egyptian Security Forces continue into another week, some reports are revealing that the Brotherhood's attacks against Christians in the country have caused even other Muslims to turn against the terrorist group. (Photo: FOX News)

From Cairo, FOX News reports on a Coptic Christian man (name withheld for his safety) who is Egyptian-American, recently in Egypt for a family wedding.

"The Muslim Brotherhood has lost all sympathy with their points due to their violence," he noted.

Egypt sec. forcesNina, a Muslim woman, reportedly told FOX News that the majority of Egypt's citizens are "solidly behind the military" which is firmly standing against the Brotherhood's attacks. (Photo: AP)

"I am Muslim and I am against terrorism and I support the revolution [which ousted Morsi] and I support all the decisions of the Egyptian army forces," Nina told reporters. "We love Egypt so much and we hope the foreign countries stop misunderstanding about us and the situation now in Egypt."

Another man told FOX News that "modern Muslims are dominant and not deceived anymore with fake words that defending the Muslim Brotherhood is defending Islam."