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Saved From the Bowels of a Perverted Industry

Teresa Neumann-Commentary : Jul 29, 2013
Craig Gross - XXXChurch

Meet a young girl who could be your daughter, or granddaughter. Someone who desperately needed to be loved, but was lied to and manipulated by the wrong people who preyed on her youth and naiveté. Had no one cared, had no one dug their heels in to pursue her for Christ, she'd still be living a life of abuse and degradation. But today, she's free—thanks' to some truly courageous Christians.

BrittniMinistering to the porn industry is a not calling everyone is equipped to do. In fact, while every Christian is equipped to witness Christ's love and redemption to every person we meet, my guess is that very few are equipped to succeed in this particular business. (Photo: Brittni/xxxChurch)

I'm pretty sure I'm not. I don't have the limitless patience, strength and conviction it would take to make it to the finish line. I'm the mom who sheltered my children, averts my eyes at all costs, and is adept at living in denial. Worse, I get so enraged at the thought of children being abused, neglected, enslaved and killed that my reaction to perpetrators of those crimes is as un-Christlike as you can get.

I don't confess all this to reap rebuke from Christians who are stronger than me and, no doubt at this very moment, composing arguments to shame or convict me. Don't bother; I've heard them all.

The fact is, I am weak. I admit it. I am a flawed, redeemed human being working out my salvation in fear and trembling. AND at my age, I'm confident in my calling. I grew up believing that to be a "saint" you had to be poor, single and suffering. Otherwise, your life was a second-rate one in the Kingdom. When I was born-again, I learned better, but those years of misunderstanding can be hard to shake. No longer. That my life looks non-heroically simple to others and doesn't fit inside the traditional mold of pastoring/teaching/missions—as great and necessary as those are—no longer fazes me.

Hey, if being the best mom I could be was my highest calling on earth outside of my walk with Jesus—which it was and is—I believe my mission on earth was accomplished and I know God is beyond pleased. I have Biblical examples to stand on that conviction: Moses's mother, Hannah, the Virgin Mary. Come on.

But all that said, back to the porn industry.

BrittniPeople ministering to these lost souls amaze me. Really. Just like those who bring the Good News to prisons, or the dangerous, gritty streets of America, I'm blown away by their fearlessness; their moral strength. I know they would give all the credit to the Holy Spirit, and they would be right. Only He could give them the tools needed to do what they do. (Photo: Brittni/xxxChurch)

Enter ex-porn actress named Brittni as an example. Through the dedication of XXXChurch ministries, this young girl—who was manipulated and taken advantage of like so many youth in our country—finally found the true love she'd been looking for. I stumbled across her video testimony (below) and was convicted to pray for her, and for this important ministry.

Because, as I'm sure many of you would also be quick to remind me, we may not all be called to minister in specific areas of life, but we can all pray. We MUST pray.

Imagine a country without people contributing to the porn industry because they're so in love with Jesus they recognize a rip-off and scam when they see it. Imagine a nation turning their eyes and hearts away from this hideous counterfeit that has infested our culture.

It can happen. It starts with us.

Thank you, XXXChurch for what you're doing. You do us, and Jesus Christ, proud. May a million more Brittni's share their testimonies in the coming months and years.

To watch Brittni's testimony, click here.