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Law Enforcement Officials Look to Ministers, Churches and Miami Heat to help Keep Calm after Zimmerman Verdict

Aimee Herd : Jul 11, 2013
Charles Rabin - Miami Herald

"I just want to reiterate on behalf of the Martin family, please, no violence." –Miriam Martin, Trayvon's aunt.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I have felt the urging, in dreams and in waking, for the Body of Christ to pray for peace over this situation. May the Peace that passes understanding guard hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, as this trial comes to an end. -Aimee Herd, BCN.

PrayingThe Miami Herald reports that a committee of Miami-Dade's Community Relations Board will be actively promoting peace and calm following whatever verdict is announced in the George Zimmerman trial. (Photo credit: Andres David Lopez)

Churches in the area were approached by the committee and asked to keep their doors open for people to come pray and talk about the situation; they've agreed to do so.

The committee has reportedly also asked Miami Heat players to "lead a unity walk through the inner city."

Trayvon/Zimmerman caseIn addition members of the board plan to use social media to get the message of no rioting out to the public. Facebook and Instagram will be employed, and the Twitter hashtag of #keepcalmfortrayvon is being created.

Rev. Walter T. Richardson, chairman of the board's executive committee noted, "Our goal is to make sure we have a response no matter how it comes out."

Miriam Martin, Trayvon Martin's aunt was quoted as saying, "I just want to reiterate on behalf of the Martin family, please, no violence."