Breaking Christian News

A New Letter from Pastor Saeed—How God is Using Him "in chains"

Aimee Herd : May 23, 2013

"Many have been freed from the chains of satan here and have been saved and added to the Church." -Pastor Saeed Abedini

Pastor SaeedAccording to a posting by the American Center for Law and Justice, American Pastor Saeed Abedini—who is being held at Evin Prison in Iran because of his Christian faith—was allowed a visit by members of his family who still live in Tehran.

In addition, he was able to get a new letter out from his prison, for his wife Naghmeh. Saeed noted that the letter should be shared with supporters who gathered last Sunday, Pentecost Sunday, to pray for him.

Like the Apostle Paul wrote in his epistles, Pastor Saeed is grateful that God seems to be using his imprisonment to unite the Body of Christ in prayer. Saeed also indicated that others imprisoned at Evin have come (to) Christ.

A portion of his letter is included below, CLICK HERE or follow the link provided to read it in its entirety.

Spending Pentecost in Prison and in Chains

Pastor SaeedWhen the Day of the Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. (Acts 2:1-2)

One special day, one heart, one place—All of these come together, to emphasize one thing, the importance of unity.

I heard that the persecution, my arrest and imprisonment has united churches from different denominations, from different cities and countries, that would never come together because of their differences. That the churches have united together in prayer to put one request (my freedom) on one day (Pentecost) before God.

You don't know how happy I was in the Lord and rejoiced knowing that in my chains the Body of Christ has chained together and is brought to action and prayer.

When someone's life like mine is in danger, we realize how different we are in our opinions (although some of those differences might be correct), but that we are still united in one goal of praying for my freedom.

I am thankful for that. It is through your prayers and the Grace of God that the Lord is using me here in my chains. Many have been freed from the chains of satan here and have been saved and added to the Church…

Read Pastor Saeed's letter in its entirety at the source link provided.