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Pro-Abortion Reporter who Covered Gosnell Trial Says He's Changed His Mind

Aimee Herd : May 9, 2013
John Jalsevac –

"None of the evidence is doctored. It's for real. It's a capital case. And the testimony of one witness is far heavier than all the pro-choice editorials and op-eds that have ever appeared in, say, the New York Times."

Huckabee and JD Mullane During a recent Huckabee Show, with former Gov. Mike Huckabee, JD Mullane, a pro-life columnist for the Bucks Co. Courier Times, who had been in the courtroom for the Gosnell murder trial, explained that the gruesome testimony had changed the heart of a colleague who was also present while evidence was presented.

"There is one journalist sitting in that courtroom who writes for a local publication who has told me that he is very liberal, very pro-choice," Mullane said on the Huckabee Show, "but after sitting through the testimony in the Gosnell trial, he's reconsidered. He's changed his mind."

Empty press galleyMullane added that the Gosnell murder trial "pulls the curtain back from the inherent violence of abortion. You can't sit in that courtroom and learn about what abortion does to the unborn child and to the woman in many cases … you can't sit there day after day and week after week and listen to that testimony and not be changed, and not have a change of heart, or at least reconsider your position."

At one point during the trial, Mullane had tweeted a photo of the press area in the courtroom, which was virtually empty.

He noted in the LifeSiteNews report that in Pennsylvania, nail salons are subject to tighter regulations than abortion clinics.