Breaking Christian News

Stranger's Kindness to a Soldier and His Girlfriend goes Viral

Aimee Herd : Mar 25, 2013
Trace Gallagher – FOX News

"It makes him feel like he's not over there for nothing. I don't think there are the right words to say how much we appreciate it; how thankful we are and how blessed we are to have received something like this."

bumper sticker (Massachusetts)—No doubt things haven't been easy for Samantha Ford as she takes care of her two children and waits for her "other half," Albert DeSimone, to return from deployment over in Afghanistan.

However, a recent act of kindness by a perfect stranger may have made the waiting a little easier.

Alongside a U.S. Army sticker on the back window of her car, Samantha has another sticker that reads, "1/2 of My Heart is in Afghanistan."

As she came out of the Dunkin' Donuts she was in recently, she noticed a note and $40.00 placed on her windshield.

Note left The note read, "I noticed the sticker on the back of your car. Take your hero out to dinner when he comes home. Thank you both for serving . . . him deployed and you for waiting. -United States Veteran, God Bless."

"My eyes started tearing up . . . it was overwhelming," said Samantha. "I don't think the military gets enough recognition as it is, but just knowing that somebody recognized [meant a lot]."

Samantha took a picture of the note with the money and posted it on Facebook. Her post has already gone viral, receiving over 2 million "Likes," 200,000 "Shares" and "50,000 Comments.

Samantha Ford According to the FOX report, the night Samantha received the note, she spoke with her boyfriend in Afghanistan, telling him what happened. She said he was "absolutely touched."

"These are the things that make him proud to be a soldier," Samantha explained to a reporter. "It makes him feel like he's not over there for nothing. I don't think there are the right words to say how much we appreciate it; how thankful we are and how blessed we are to have received something like this."

Samantha told FOX News that she was putting that $40.00 away for when Albert returns and she can take him out to dinner. She notes that she'd love to know who wrote the note and left the money, but likely never will.