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Spirit of Adoption Sweeping Ukraine

Teresa Neumann : Mar 21, 2013
George Thomas – CBN

"Without [God] the orphans of Ukraine have no hope." -Svetlana Isaev

Ukraine adoptivev family (Kyiv, Ukraine)—CBN News reports that as a result of a powerful movement happening in the Ukraine involving thousands of Christians coming together to care for the fatherless, a "spirit of adoption" is spreading to other countries. (Photo: CBN News)

The Ukraine movement reportedly started two years ago when Svetlana Isaev, a drug addict who also tested positive for HIV, had "a radical encounter with Jesus Christ" that changed her—and her husband Evgeniy's—life forever. What came out of that encounter was a dream to see the Ukraine without orphans, followed by a "summit" on orphan care organized by the Isaev's.

Orphan's Promise The report notes that at a nationally televised event recently which "drew Ukraine's rich and famous," Svetlana and Evgeniy received "hero status" and were honored with a "Pride of the Nation" award. (Photo: CBN News)

The couple said, "We have only God to thank. He shows us how to love the unlovable. Without Him we have not life. Without Him, the orphans of Ukraine have no hope."