Breaking Christian News

God Moves Powerfully in Saint Marc, Haiti

Aimee Herd : Feb 25, 2013
YWAM Haiti

"It was spoken that there would be a change coming, a double portion of blessing that would be released over St. Marc. Also, that God had imparted a new level of clarity and wisdom due to our Mayors response in inviting the presence of God into City Hall." –Terry Snow, YWAM Haiti Director

(Saint Marc, Haiti)—According to a recent report from YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Haiti director, Terry Snow, God has really been moving in the country—especially in the area of Saint Marc.

During an Evangelistic Gathering in Saint Marc—hosted by Terry Snow, Rabbi K.A. Schneider (Host for TV Broadcast "Discovering the Jewish Jesus"), Joshua James (Worship & Song Leader "Discovering the Jewish Jesus") and Pastor Claudy Constant (Reseau des Chretiens pour un Nouveau Depart)—numbers of those in attendance increased nightly, including those watching and listening on TV and radio.

On Tuesday night, Feb. 19th, Mayor Jean Rony Eugene of Saint Marc, came to the gathering. After taking in all that the Holy Spirit was doing there, he came forward and "declared his support to the Church and the Christian community."

The mayor also invited all the pastors and ministers from the meeting to come to Saint Marc’s City Hall and pray over it, blessing it.

Praying at City HallAt noon the next day, Terry Snow, Rabbi Schneider, Joshua James and others went to the city hall and met with Mayor Eugene.

In a report on the YWAM Haiti website, Terry describes the events of that day . . .

We went to City Hall yesterday, as requested by the Mayor. We began our time by asking the Mayor and his immediate staff for a private meeting in his office. There we had a powerful prayer time! Rabbi Schneider knelt down and blessed the feet of all the Administration as his wife Cynthia anointed their heads with oil! This act was a powerful and uncommon thing to happen in the office of the Mayor and in HAITI!

Praying over mayor It was spoken that there would be a change coming, a double portion of blessing that would be released over St. Marc. Also, that God had imparted a new level of clarity and wisdom due to our Mayors response in inviting the presence of God into City Hall.

Mayor Jean Rony Eugene keeps a Bible openly on his desk. A vision came forth as well. Someone saw into the spiritual realm cords hanging through the roof. These cords were satanic influences. Then the Spirit of God came and all the cords were cut and fell.

Afterwards we went to the center of City Hall and had a public meeting with Rabbi publically blessing the Mayor and the city. Then we enter each office and spoke/sang a blessing in Hebrew over them.

Later on, at the Evangelistic Gathering, the move of God was once again evident, as witnessed by Terry Snow in his report . . .

Meeting in Haiti We heard of the greatness of God’s love once more from Rabbi Schneider. At the end of his message we had a line of people come forward to give their testimony of how God healed them the night before. In this line was the woman whose sight had been restored! After a call was given for salvation and then prayer. The crowd rushed the stage so fast that those seated at the front could not get out in the isle before the pressing crowd had totally blocked them in. THEY ARE RUNNING TO BE TOUCHED BY GOD!

We are praying for an open Heaven and a Spiritual Awakening! JOIN US!

According to Snow, there were at least about 5,000 in attendance, with numbers increasing nightly. The gatherings were also broadcast on TV and radio, adding another possible 500,000 watching or listening live to the crusade, which ran through Sunday, Feb. 24th.

To read and see more photos of these events, follow the link to YWAM Haiti.