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Solomon-Era Reservoir Discovered

Teresa Neumann : Oct 8, 2012
Julie Stahl and John Waage - CBN

"One day we found an opening in the bedrock. I put my hand inside to look to see what is going on and we found a huge water cistern." -Eli Shukron

Cistern found (Israel)—Archaeologists have discovered a huge man-made water cistern, or reservoir, near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem that dates back to Solomon's Temple.

According to a CBN News report, it is one of the largest reservoirs from that time period found in the Holy City.

The reservoir, which measures 40 feet long and more than 15 feet wide, could have held up to 66,000 gallons of water.

"The water comes from a tunnel in the Tyropone Valley," said archaeologist Eli Shukron, "and from the valley they [moved] the water into the water cistern."